Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Planning committee still debating ordinances

At the first regular Saratoga Planning Commission meeting of the year Rory Grubb was re-elected chair of the board and Chris Shannon was elected vice-chair.

Mayor E.J. Glode said the town planned to appoint Will Faust as the representative to the planning commission.

Following election of officers, the board debated the approach that should be taken toward approving changes in fencing and sign regulations. Board member Rusty Rogers noted, “We are kind of back to where we started for an ordinance.”

Shannon and others discussed whether or not variances for higher fences is a good direction to pursue. A special permitting process was proposed as an option and the board agreed they would assess that before the next meeting. Shannon, at the end of the meeting, argued that individual variances could be used for proposed fences and signs that do not meet the current code.

The sign debate largely revolves around a new sign proposed for the community garden. The members of the community garden board have asked to build a sign larger than the current code allows.

Part of the concern over changing ordinances for a single sign or fence involves the fact that the town has to spend money to advertise for and organize public meetings. Chuck Bartlett, town engineer, estimated that those types of public meetings end up costing the town $1,000 to $1,500 before an ordinance can be changed.

The next regular meeting of the Saratoga Planning Commission will be at 5:30 p.m., Feb. 10 at the Saratoga Town Hall.


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