Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Fridays with the mayor

A weekly interview with Ed Glode

Near the end of his his first full week in office Mayor Glode sat down with the Saratoga Sun to discuss the progress of the new town council.

At the monthly South Central Emergency Services (SCWEMS) Joint Powers Board meeting the fat that the town of Saratoga has yet to appoint a SCWEMS representative.

“One of the many things we still need to work on is representation on SCWEMS,” Glode said

Glode stated that this issue is his responsibility, and he would like to see SCWEMS take a more active role in participation of Saratoga town meetings.

Other boards Glode mentioned as needing attention include the visitor’s council, economic development committee and the chamber of commerce.

The mayor has also announced official office hours which are from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on the first three Tuesdays of the month.

Glode provided a list of town employee and board member appointments being made Tuesday night.

Town of Saratoga

Mayoral Appointments - January 20, 2015

Mayor Pro Tem - Judy Welton


Town Hall - Judy Welton

Police Department - Ed Glode

Recreation Department - Will Faust

Dept. of Public Works - Richard Raymer

Fire Department - Sue Howe

Boards and Commissions

Airport Board - Richard Raymer

Medical Board - Judy Welton

Community Center - Judy Welton

Water and Sewer Impact Joint Powers Board - Richard Raymer

Planning Commission - Will Faust

Recreation Commission - Will Faust

Landfill Board - Sue Howe

Emergency Management Coordinator - John Zeiger

Carbon County Council of Governments - Sue Howe

SCWEMS - Mike Farver

Steering Committee - Will Faust, Ed Glode - Chair

Town Employees

Department of Public Works - Chuck Bartlett

Town Clerk - Suzie Cox

Town Treasurer - Samuel Flohr

Chief of Police - Tom Knickerbocker

Water and Sewer Impact Joint Powers Board Town Positions

Don Sherrod Dave Christman


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