Planning commission looks to resolve fencing ordinance

Commission debates voting council members

The Saratoga Planning Commission agreed to let residents decide height of front-yard fencing.

The commission elected to confirm with town attorney Tom Thompson if front-yard fence heights that exceed the current fencing ordinance could be covered under a variance. Commission members said that way residents would be able to sign off on any dramatic changes to fencing.

“Instead of having a blanket ordinance cover the whole town, let’s let the town decide,” planning commission member Greg Cooksey said.

Under a variance, all residents within a three-hundred foot radius would have to sign off any changes to a building which diverges from the town’s zoning code. A variance has to meet eight different criteria before it can be approved by the planning commission.

However, Town Engineer and Zoning Officer said after conversations with Thompson, fencing may not be covered by a variance. The board voted to have Bartlett double-check with Thompson on that matter.

“To deviate from any ordinance, you have to have a variance … I would like confirmation from the town attorney,” planning commission member Tom Knickerbocker said.

The current fencing ordinance states any front yard fence over 42 inches must have 50 percent visibility. The planning commission wanted to change that height to accommodate builders with more practical material length

Council members on boards

The new administration

Mayor-elect Ed Glode said there are benefits to maintaining council members as voting members on various town boards and commissions. The Planning Commission’s bylaws state a council member can sit on the board, but cannot be a voting member.

Glode served as a member on several boards during his term as a councilman and he said he felt council members sitting on boards was beneficial to the town. However, Glode said councilpersons typically did not attend meetings where they could not vote.

While the planning commission agreed there needs be a better relationship between the council and boards, the commission was skeptical about letting council members vote on the board and on the council. They claim their voice would not be heard if a council member disagrees from the rest of the board.

Glode said he will present the idea of letting council members vote at his first Jan. 6, 2015 town council meeting. No vote was held at the planning commission meeting.

The next Saratoga Planning Commission meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 13, 2015, at Saratoga Town Hall.


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