Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Center, bus good value

There were six here for bingo on Monday. Two-dollar winners were Lila Worden, Madaline Forbes, Betty Dean, Sue Howe and Winnie Allen. Grace Johnston won the $3 blackout round.

There were only eight here for bridge this week. First place went to Bob Johnson and Lee Groshart. Second high went to Gertrude Herold and Mary Sjoden.

We will be closed on Dec. 25 and 26. If you need an extra meal please let us know by Wednesday, Dec. 24 so we can get them sent out with your Christmas meals.

We will be open on New Year’s Day as usual. We will be serving grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. The rest of the meal is still up in the air, but it will be good.

We are going to have an ugly sweater contest on Thursday, Dec. 18, so be planning your attire. There will be a prize.

Our birthday dinner will be on Dec. 19, so mark your calendar so you can come and join us. It will be a great time.

We will be taking the bus out on Monday, Dec. 22, so people can see all the Christmas lights. So if you would like to go, please give us a call and get your name on the list. We will probably pick you up around 5:30 p.m..

We would like to invite anyone 60 or older to come give us a try. You will not be disappointed. We have good meals at a very reasonable price and you get to visit with some very interesting people. We also have a bus that can come to your home and pick you up. It will pick you up and take you to the store, doctor appointments here in town, or just to go visit someone. The charge for the ride is just 50 cents suggested. So even that is a bargain.

I just turned old enough to come up here and I know who is old enough so please come and join us. We have to keep this program going. Getting our count up will help. We play bingo on Tuesdays if we have enough that will stay to play. We have Bridge on Mondays and they are always looking for more players. After the first of the year we will start having movie day once a month. There are a couple of people who would like to stay and play 31. So if you are interested, we would love to have you join us.


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