Sewer fee talks begin tonight

Workshop aimed towards establishing sewer ordinance resolution

Tonight, the Saratoga Town Council and the Carbon County/Saratoga Impact Joint Powers (water and sewer) board is convening to finally put the controversial sewer ordinance to rest.

The two parties will meet for a workshop in order to develop a resolution which will address all issues surrounding Ordinance 828.

The ordinance itself was passed on the third reading at the Nov. 18 town council meeting and increases sewer fees to pay for wastewater lagoon outfall project.

At the core of the controversy is ensuring all residents pay an equal part of the increased sewer bills.

Questions were raised about those who live in multi-unit residential housing paying the less than a single-family home. Additionally, some residents argue hotels that offer long-term housing should also be subject to the same rates as a multi-unit apartment housing.

At the Nov. 18 town council meeting, councilman Steve Wilcoxson said sewer usage also needs to be considered in the resolution. He said it would be unfair for a part-time resident to have to pay large fees when they are not using the sewer system.

Another issue which the water and sewer board and the Saratoga Town Council will hash out is establishing what has been referred to a as “sunset clause” for the loan repayment, which states the increase will eliminated after the loan is paid off. Currently, the ordinance states a maximum $7.20 increase on top of the sewer bill will go towards paying loan for the project.

Water and sewer board members and town council members agreed on the need for placing a sunset clause in the resolution.

How the maximum $7.20 increase should be split up is a concern as well. At the October water and sewer board meeting, board members proposed the $7.20 increase be divided into two fees — $3.78 increase to recapture shortfalls in the sewer project and an additional $3.42 set aside to pay off the loan. The town council has voiced opposition to this proposal at previous meetings.

Water and sewer board chairman, Don Price, said there will be more than one meeting to resolve all of the issues.

The workshop is open to the public, and will take place at 5 p.m. tonight at Saratoga Town Hall.


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