Panther runners receive all-state honors

Panthers cross country runners Kelsie Samson and Jeremy Detterer garnered all-state honors at the state meet in Sheridan on Oct. 25.

Both Samson and Detterer took some time to talk to the Saratoga Sun about their all-state experience.

Samson said making all-state was "really good, I enjoyed that, especially in my senior year."

Highlighting her athletic abilities is the fact this is the first season Samson has run cross country.

She has been a long-distance track runner since her freshman year, but the open courses of cross country were new to her.

Samson said she credits her training on hills and long distance runs throughout the season for her performance at the state meet. The course at Sheridan is notably hilly.

Prior to the season Samson and her two teammates began running together and hit the weight room for additional conditioning.

Other aspects Samson said helped her to her 6th place finish at state include mental preparedness and a strategy of staying with the top runners.

While running in meets she would tell herself, "do not get below the people the people that don't place. She said coach Rex Hohnholt would also tell her what group she needed to stay with in order to place.

Samson will have more athletic opportunities before she graduates. She will play basketball this winter and have a final track season in the spring.

Samson will be attending college next year and plans to run track and cross country. A few schools, including Gillette College, have even contacted her about scholarship possibilities. Samson is also looking into the University of Wyoming and Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne.

Samson acknowledged her coaches and her teammates as the people that kept her going throughout the season.

Detterer is only a freshman at Saratoga High School, and plans on developing his running career further. While he has no plans to compete in any other high school sports before next fall, he is looking into indoor-track training in Laramie this winter.

He said the experience of making all-state was amazing, and credits coach Hohnholt for pushing him and developing his natural talent. Detterer also said his family pushed him and "telling me to get out and run," on his days off from school.

Detterer said he thanks the town of Saratoga for all of their support.


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