Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Flu shots well-received

There were six here to play Bingo on Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord and Betty Dean. Berneil McCord and Grace Johnston shared a $2 round. Winnie Allen, Grace Johnston and Sue Howe shared the $4 blackout round.

There were two full tables here for Duplicate Bridge on Monday. High winners were Janet Donelan and Mary Sjoden. Second high went to Glee Johnson and Vivien Campbell.

There was a great turnout for the flu shot here on Tuesday. If you did not get them, I think you can go to the public health office and get one.

We had our birthday and anniversary party on Friday. Those having birthdays this month are Alice Cornell, Dick Wiant, Winnie Allen, Leo Yocum, Norm Heater, Delman Stanley, Jon See, Cherri Moore, Sheila Johnson, Margaret Ingleby, Norm Hallis, Jean Shepherd, Kathy Hennek, Janet Donelan, Jim Elliott, Pat Corpening and Millie Anderson. Leo Yocum won the birthday money. We only had one anniversary this month. That was Brian and Becky Manley. Teense Willford was the entertainment. As always we really enjoyed him. It would be nice if he and Sandy would join us on other days and we would not make him work for his dinner. It was very nice to have Ruth Doherty, Joe and Patty Doherty, Kathy Moon and Liz Todd here for a visit. We have not seen Ruth since she moved to Cheyenne to be closer to some of her kids. So everyone took the opportunity to visit with here for a few minutes.

We had the Carbon County Board meeting up here on Wednesday. Not all the board members were able to be here but we enjoyed the ones that did make it. There were only seven of them here.

We want to thank the thrift store for the captain’s chair they donated. Several of our seniors have a very hard time getting up from the table. So we are trying to get some chairs with arms on them. They seem to be easier to get out of. So if you have some chairs with arms that are sturdy and you would like to get rid of them, give us a call. We could use at least five more. We would really appreciate them.

We are going to have a Halloween party up here on Nov. 1. Mark your calendar and come join us. Costumes are not required but we would not object if you wore one. You might even get your lunch for free. It should be a very interesting lunch, and it is guaranteed to be fun for everyone.

We want to send our sincere sympathy to the family of Kate Moon. Kate passed away this week. She was a wonderful lady and will be missed by everyone in the Valley.

Also, we want to send our sincere sympathy to the family of Gladys Greene who passed away Friday. Her son is Jay Greene and he has delivered the milk over here to the Valley for over 30 years.


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