Freak laws, fire at Shively Ranch, garbage at Miracle Mile

100 Years Ago

Aug. 20, 1914

It is one great big cinch, that if the people of the eastern part of Carbon county keep on getting it handed to them in the campaigns (political) they can probably get the county cut in two. From all we have heard since Tuesday, there is apt to be something doing at the November election to a few pets. Funny thing how half of a county gets two or three officers, while the other half gets ten or twelve.

The primary is over and little accomplished by the small vote, which could have been disposed of with less expense, trouble and better men by a convention. Thus we see the working of freak laws which give us nothing but trouble. In the case of the primary, a convention could have chosen just as good men, and perhaps in one or two instances, better, at less cost, trouble and worry.

75 Years Ago

Aug. 24, 1939

A fire, apparently the result of a carelessly flicked match or cigarette stub, broke out in the hay field on the Shively Ranch a few miles west of town yesterday forenoon. A good sized patch of meadow was burned over and three stacks of hay, about 25 tons, were destroyed. A number of ranch neighbors went to assist with fighting the fire, and Mr. Shively and son Jack went out from town, but the fire had burned itself out almost before the men arrived.

50 Years Ago

Aug. 20, 1964

The “Miracle Mile Area” has become an example of exactly how slovenly, careless and downright sloppy the human race can be.

Recently a field crew of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department took time off its regular duties to go to the area and attempt to clean up the trash which had accumulated there through the years.

In one day’s time, the crew removed eight, heaping one-ton truckloads of garbage from one mile of riverbank in the 12-mile stretch below Kortes.

25 Years Ago

Aug. 23, 1989

The question of whether or not Saratoga Town Councilman Dorman Ewing must hook his shop up to town sewer lines sparked controversy during Monday nights council meeting.

Zoning officer Ann Gilbert told the council she has issued two notices of violation to Ewing, one for not having his shop connected to town sewer and one for having a port-a-potty on that location.

Gilbert said she had issued the citations because she had received a complaint on the matter.

Gilbert said when she took the job of zoning officer she said she would not go around looking for violations but would address complaints when she received them. Mayor R.T. Buchholz said he was in favor of enforcing ordinances if the Zoning Officer get a complaint.

Ellis said, “If you’re going to enforce ordinances selectively by complaint, then you might as well put a note at the bottom of all town ordinances stating ‘this ordinance will not be enforced unless a complaint is received.”


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