Police Report

From Aug. 11 through Aug. 17, the SPD responded to 117 calls.

911 hang up (1); agency assistance (1); ambulance (1); bar check (10); business checks (38); citizen assist (8); destruction of property (1); dog at large (2); barking dog complaint (3); lost dog (3); dog tag (1); domestic disturbance (2); fingerprints (6); fire (1); found property (1); harassment (1); hot pool check (10); intoxicated person (1); juvenile problem (1); lockout (5); lost and found (1); lost property (1); parking problem (2); traffic accident with damage (3); REDDI (1); suspicious person, circumstance (1); traffic complaint (1); traffic stop (1); travelers assist (1); VIN serial number inspection (5); wanted person (2).

A total of 41 homes are currently on our House Watch program and one person is on the Home Alone program.

Warnings, citations and arrests:

Aug. 12

Claudia Bartlett, of Saratoga, was issued a citation for Barking Dog.

Aug. 16

John Leder, of Big Springs, Neb, was given a warning for Parking Problem

Rodney Drake, of Pembroke, Fla., was given a warning for speed.

Shaun Busch, of Saratoga, WY, was arrested and given citations for Public Intoxication and Threatening a Police Officer.

Aug. 17

Karson McMahon, of Tucson, AZ, was arrested on a Warrant.


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