Party time in Riverside

The Town of Riverside wants you “to enjoy a late summer afternoon, with good music, good food and invite anyone who wants to spend the afternoon with us to come,” said Jan Cook.

Riverside Party Day begins at 4 p.m. Saturday at Rick Martin Memorial Park.

Party Day started nine years ago when the town decided they should have a late summer concert. Once it was decided to have live music, food seemed like a good idea too.

This year, the duo of Davis and Mavrick will be the band, and beef and chicken fajitas is the food offering. This is the third time Davis and Mavrick have performed for Riverside Party Day; bringing a set of 60s and 70s classics to a dancing crowd. “I know all of the words to all of the songs,” said Cook.

The festivities are funded by grants from the Wyoming Arts Council and the Carbon County School District #2 Recreation Board, so there is no cost to the town of Riverside.

Attendees are encouraged to bring chairs since there is no park seating.

Music will begin at 4 p.m., and food will be served at 5 p.m. The party will last until the food runs out.


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