Code clarifies conflicts

At the Valley Service Organization (VSO) candidate forums this past week, Saratoga residents asked questions to the candidates on ordinances within the municipal code. Specifically, residents asked about enforcing property nuisances and whether or not bicyclists can camp on town property.

So what does the Saratoga Municipal Code say about these subjects?


When the candidates were asked whether or not they would enforce property nuisances, their answers ranged from “It’s hard to enforce,” to a straight-forward “yes”.

The ordinances being referred to fall under chapter 8.08 of the municipal code, under “Nuisances”.

In 8.08.010 of the municipal code, it states “the accumulation or storage of more than four derelict, abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, unlicensed or inoperative vehicles, or derelict, abandoned, wrecked, dismantled equipment, trailers, motor homes, litter or junk on private or public property, is hereby found to create a condition tending to reduce the value of private property, to promote blight and deterioration, to invite plundering, to create fire hazards, to constitute an attractive nuisance creating a hazard to the health and safety of minors, to create a harborage for insects, rodents, skunks and other vermin and to be injurious to the health, safety and general welfare of the public.”

Additionally, the section says any person who has the above mentioned items on their property is declared a public nuisance by the town of Saratoga.

Section 8.08.020 “Enumeration not exclusive” adds several other nuisances be included in the code including obnoxious/offensive odors, discharging of offensive matter, emission of dense smoke, certain weeds, maximum height on weeds/grass/plants and abandoned junk—such as vehicles. The section provides definitions of an abandoned vehicle, as well.

Section 8.08.040 discusses the procedure of notifying the owner who’s property is deemed a public nuisance. It states “whenever the Saratoga Town Council, or their appointed representative, is of the opinion that any condition is a public nuisance … the town council or representative shall attempt to give a written notice to the owner of the nuisance condition …” The owner of the property is allotted a hearing on the matter.

In the event the owner of the property does not comply with the town’s requests, the town has the right to remove the litter, or whatever is causing the nuisance, from the property. The owner of the property will then be forced to pay the town for the expenses of the clean-up.

The ordinance states the Saratoga police department, code enforcement officer or lawfully authorized personnel is granted authority to enforce the ordinances in chapter 8 of the town code.

Bike Camping

One suggestion brought up to the council candidates at the forums was having the town provide camping areas for bicyclists going through town.

“Bikers, who just pedaled 60 miles to get to Saratoga, are not going to want to go two more miles to ride to [Saratoga] Lake,” Saratoga resident Richard Hodges said at the July 30 candidate forums.

As it is currently written, Saratoga town municipal prohibits any overnight camping on town property.

Section 9.12.020 states people who camp in town parks are guilty of a misdemeanor.

However, Saratoga municipal code 5.30.020, overnight camping “related to bicycle tours, motorcycle or car rallies,” are allowed through a specially permitted temporary event. In this case, camping is only allowed on Carbon County School District No. 2 property at the discretion of the school board.

If a resident wishes to open part of their property for camping, that area must be zoned for commercial use, or a property owner must apply for a special use permit with the planning commission and town council.


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