Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Citizen asks for frugality

Dear Mayor and Council Members:

70 years ago I watched the first Power Plant construction occur across from my home on West Bridge Street. The Town Fathers invited and welcomed the non-profit Co-Operative Company composed of the citizens of Saratoga to invest and construct this power plant so we would have dependable electric lights and power and retire the candles and coal-oil Kerosene lanterns. By intent & implication, if not actually documented in old Town government minutes, this locally owned Co-Operative was invited to and granted the right to use the Town’s public rights of way for its utility poles and lines at no cost or fees in exchange for its agreement to construct and provide badly needed electric services to the Town residences who agreed to pay the actual costs for their electricity used. Honor this contract of 70 years duration.

Now, this present non-thrifty Town Mayor and majority of Town Council members with the encouragement and recommendation of its Town Attorney wants to slap on a huge Franchise Fee “new tax” on all citizens and businesses who reside and invest in this community for using the Town’s rights of way which was agreed to without such fees 70 years ago. Theright of way is “Public Property” and we, as Co-owners, are the Public citizens of Saratoga. Just because other private for-profit companies agree to and are charged a Franchise Fee does not mean or justify that your Town contract must be amended to impose new fees on our citizens for electricity for more money to squander.

The quoted reason to raise more needed money to balance its bloated and outrageous overspent budget because this administration majority thinks money just grows on trees and free for the plucking for every whim the Mayor and Board thinks up to spend money on. And the quoted excuse is “well other entities pay a Franchise Fee so the Town businesses and citizens should quit complaining and just pay for our favorite non-essential non-necessities of life projects we dream up for the good of all you people.”

It is time for a really good “Saratoga Administration House Cleaning” and get rid of all spendthrifts and non-budget balancing personnel and elect a new slate of competent thrifty Town leaders.

It is also time to dump this money grubbing concept to stick a pass thru Carbon Power Franchise Fee “new tax” on our struggling citizens and businesses. Or, pass a new ordinance that makes every voting administration member pay out of their personal pocket every dollar spent “over budget” for anything they vote for that is not a “necessity”.

Or, as a compromise to your Franchise Fee proposal, put this on the agenda for the citizens to vote on whether or not to pay the Town this 4% plus proposed new cost to feed the Mosquitos on the bridge to nowhere or the portable recreation bleachers to watch Town events such as Ice fishing & swimming and pay a couple more town employees for this privilege or the other over budget frivolous expenditures.

Your Oath of Office included the duty to prudently manage the income and expenditures of the Town, band not overspend or squander it’s income on personal whims, pet projects, litigations, possible personal vendettas and other non-essential costly items.

Whether you are re-elected or not, your decision tonight will be remembered for years to come.

Most of you are personal acquaintances and friends and I know you devote lots of precious hours out of your live to perform your Civic duties that you got elected to do with little compensation or thanks. You each do deserve serious recognition and thanks for what amounts to hard work doing the town’s business. My above comments are meant to just remind you of your elected duties to be frugal and fair to your constituents and to remind you that Saratoga made an absolute commitment 70 years ago to allow free access to its rights of way for the citizen’s electric Co-op to service each home with essential electricity at cost and no profit.


Leon R. Hetherington


Editor’s note: this letter was edited for length.


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