Independence day events in the Valley

By Mike Dunn

As America celebrates its 238th birthday, Valley residents will be putting on their own celebrations this weekend.

Cancer Walk

For the third year in a row, the SkillsUSA chapter of Saratoga High School will be hosting their annual Cancer Walk in Saratoga. Starting at 8 a.m. on July 4, residents will participate in a walk through downtown to benefit the Wyoming affiliate of Susan G. Komen.

Over the past two years, SkillsUSA raised $8,000. This summer, they hope to raise at least $10,000 for cancer research.

More than 120 people participated in the walk in 2013, and at the April 1 Saratoga Town Council meeting, SkillsUSA advisor Scott Bokelman said they are expecting more participants in 2014.


American Legion Post No. 54 will once again lead Carbon County’s only parade through the town of Saratoga.

The parade will begin at the old AmeriGas building on First street, and will continue north then turn west on Bridge street.

Deb Clark, the adjutant of the American Legion in Saratoga, said their organization has coordinated the parade for at least the last seven years.

“It should be a fairly large parade,” Clark said. There tends to be more participants on election years."

"We usually have a good turnout of spectators,” she added.

To enter a float in the parade, sign up at the American Legion or call 326-9600 or 710-8998. The parade will begin at 11 a.m.

Old Fashioned

Bake Auction

Those with a sweet-tooth can bid for baked items at the Old Fashioned Bake Auction.

With cakes, pies and many other baked goods on hand, people will have the opportunity to bid for items during a live auction.

The auction will take place immediately after the parade and will be located on the corner of Bridge and First Streets in downtown Saratoga. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Platte Valley Kiwanis Club and their community projects.

Art Show

The Blackhawk Art Show will feature local and regional artists. The art show is scheduled to run July 4 through July 6 and takes place at the Episcopal Church on the corner of Main and First Street. Eleven artists are participating including local artists Trisha Kauffman, Jerry Wood and Sierra Smith.

Crafts Fair

A crafts fair will be held in Saratoga for the Fourth of July celebration at the municipal parking lot and is sponsored by the Town of Saratoga Recreation Department.

Free Barbecue

The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary will also be hosting a barbecue at 2 p.m. a the Post Home on South River Street.

Fireworks Show

There will be several fireworks shows in the Platte Valley that are free to the public.

The Town of Encampment will host a fireworks show Friday night at McClure field, located at E. Fourth Street and Barnette Avenue. Fireworks will begin at dusk.

The Old Baldy Club will be launching their own fireworks for the town of Saratoga this weekend.

Long-time Old Baldy Club employee John Baxter, said the club has put on the show for around the past 26 years. They will be launching the fireworks from their golf course.

Baxter recommends residents watch the fireworks show from the northern ridge across from Old Baldy Club. Watching the show from Kathy Glode Park is also a good option for spectators.

The fireworks show is set to go off at around dusk.

Saratoga Museum’s

Custom and Culture Days

July 5 and 6, the Saratoga Museum is hosting A Celebration of Custom and Culture at the Saratoga Museum Pavilion on Constitution Ave.

On Saturday, a dutch-oven cook off begins at 10 a.m. and is followed by a blacksmith demonstration. A tipi will be set up at noon followed by a brain tanning demonstration. At 2:30 p.m. a presentation on the history of printing, with the cook off ending at 3:30 p.m.

On Sunday, presentations will take you back to pre-historic days and the customs of PaleoAmericans, Clovis and pre-Clovis will begin at 10 a.m., following by a presentation on the history of the Platte Valley river.

A blacksmith demonstration will take place at 11 a.m.

Linda Durbano will be signing and selling “Legends of Old Baldy Club” at 1 p.m.

Food, baked goods and an old-fashioned root beer wagon will be on hand to add to the event.


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