Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Town spends too much


And the Three Ring Spending Circus came to Town again last night! And the Un-Thrifty Mayor who won’t Resign was in Center Ring and prevailed again to over-spend next year’s budget (2014-15) by $89,000.00 on top of this year’s budget (2013-14) over-spending of $659,000.00. This Three Ring (2 Council Members and Mayors yes vote and one sane no vote) in spite of Citizens objections to another unbalanced budget. Saratoga Jonny Homeowner’s must balance their budgets to avoid bankruptcy or negative Credit Ratings. No consideration was given to suggestions to balance the budget by reducing the bloated police department personnel or the un-necessary Recreation Department costs. Just criticism of “Yours Truly” for not attending all the budget work sessions (Town Clerk would not provide a complete Draft Budget to examine till 10 days ago when Citizens asked for copies). And, the Un-Thrifty Mayor’s 2 minute maximum Citizens time to comment stifles healthy budget debate. Oh well, we know the Un-Thrifty Mayor and Board Members plan. In 6 weeks they plan to ram down the Citizens and Businesses gullible throats a major personal and business new monthly bill for Carbon Power (a non-profit co-opfor 70 years) electricity charges to the tune of around $150,000.00 or so. Guess what? After three blinks of the eye, last night as a perfect example of their Money Tree philosophy, the Rec. Director asked for a new appropriation of $3,500.00 total tax money to purchase “Portable Bleachers” to watch Town events such as January Ice Fishing, March Chariot Races, June River Sand Bagging, Summer Swimming and Baseball games, maybe the big Mud Hole Truck competition and the Brew Fest and Pavilion events (lawn chairs not good enough anymore, I guess). So, the Un-Thrifty mayor called for a Motion after asking Chuck if there was a place to store these portable bleachers and in 5 minutes the deal was done and passed. No common sense monetary discussion of the total annual man hours cost to dismantle, load, transport, unload, assemble, dismantle again, and restore these “Portable Bleachers” for the next event plus employee Benefits, Insurance, trucks overhead and replacement costs, etc. etc. 6 to 10 events per year. Maybe another $75,000.00 or who knows? Just pass another “Sucker” tax on to citizens. I propose a new Ordinance that all Board Members who vote for negative budgets share the loss from their own rich pockets. Mr. Mayor, it is still time to resign before Saratoga is another Detroit!

Sincerely, Leon R. Hetherington, Senior Citizen, who won’t go away until you do.

Leon R. Hetherington,



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