Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Transportation company sells out to prominent Cripple Creek parties

Reprint of this story from the June 27, 1902 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.

Transportation Company Sells out to Prominent Cripple Creek Parties.

Fred G. Grube and associates, of Cripple Creek, have purchased the entire holdings of the Encampment Improvement and Transportation Company, including the local barns, the transfer barns, teams wagons, sawmill, etc. The Transportation company has been operating here nearly three years, during which time the extent of the property and the volume of business have been increased from a modest beginning to immense proportions.

Among some of the big contracts handled by this company was the transportation of the material for the building of the smelter, the hauling of ore from the New Rambler, Ferris-Haggarty and the Doane, and the furnishing of timber and the hauling of freight for the construction of the aerial tramway. In fact, the Transportation company has been connected in a large measure with all the great enterprises and undertakings in the camp.

With the purchase of the company’s property, Mr. E. W. Hud retires from the position of manger. Mr. Grube will personally manage the affairs of the company, and will be assisted by C.H. McKee, of Cripple Creek. W. E. Donaghoe will remain in charge of the local office.

The company will hereafter be known as the Encampment Lumber and Transportation Company.


The following proclamation has been issued by Mayor Henry:

All persons are hereby warned against discharging or setting off squibs, crackers, or fireworks of any description on the third, fourth, and fifth days of July, 1902, in the town of Grand Encampment, Wyoming, within the district bounded on the east by the alley between McCaffrey and Lomax avenues, on the west by the alley between Rankin and Winchell avenues, on the north by Fourth street, and on the south by Eighth street. Any person so offending will be liable, under the provisions of the town ordinances, to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars.

Proclamation made by authority of the Mayor and Council of Grand Encampment .

W.C. Henry, Mayor.

Minor Notes:

Messrs. Merle and Earl Wolfard have returned from Laramie, where they have been attending the University for the past two years. These boys are earning their way through the school and are making excellent progress in the work.

Ed H. Parkison has arranged his stock of dry goods, etc., in the new part of the stre building, and calls special attention to the public to this new department. Since the enlargement of the store, the stock in all departments has been increase, making one of the most complete stocks of general merchandise in the state.

A big forest fire in the neighborhood of Elk Mountain has been attracting the attention of the residents of the valley for several days past.

Surveyor Seeley A. McCoy received yesterday a fine new transit, which he will use in his work the instrument is an exceptionally fine one.

The grand ball on the evening of the July 4 will be under the management of the fire department. Music will be furnished by the Rawlins orchestra.


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