Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Birthday dinner Friday

There were two tables for duplicate bridge on Monday. There was a three way tie for high winners between Sheila Johnson and Pat Bailey, and Vivien Campbell and Mariel O’Grady, and Marianne Blue and John Blue.

I now have the forms for the elderly and disabled tax returns, so stop by and get one or call and I will help you fill them out and get them sent back.

You have until Aug. 31 to get the forms in. Qualifications are you have to be at least 65, if you are single you can make up to $17,500 per year. Married couples can make up to $28,500.

It is good to have all our travelers back home from Riverton, and we missed all of you. Also, Chris and Darlene Willis are back from Colorado. Everyone always enjoys it when they are here.

We will be having our birthday dinner on Friday. Be sure to mark your calendar and come join us at noon.

We want to send our sincere sympathy to the family of John Craig. John passed away earlier this week. He was a regular here at the center for many years. He will be missed by all of us who knew him.

Also we want to send our sincere sympathy to Madaline Forbes’s family. Her brother in law Jim Sabin passed away unexpectedly this past week as well. He and his wife Verla are from Sinclair, and Verla is Madaline’s sister. He will be missed by all that knew him.


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