Steward is not running for office

This letter goes out to the voters and constituents of House District 47 and Senate District 11. After a solid month of repeated requests from many in HD47 and SD11 and throughout our great State of Wyoming, I have decided it necessary to formally announce that I am not going to file for a seat in the legislature in this primary election cycle. I cannot tell you how flattering and humbling it is, and has been, to hear from so many people encouraging me to, again, run for the legislature. Actually, in many instances, I am informed that they have heard I am running, which I am not. Further, I have heard that some have expressed that if I were going to run, then they would not run for the legislature. It is for that reason that I write this letter because I firmly believe that if someone is motivated to seek public office, they should run, whether it be against someone they like or even perhaps dislike. I absolutely do not want someone to not file for this primary election cycle because they think I am.

It has been somewhat concerning to hear from these folks that the primary reason I should run, or anyone for that matter, is because of the strong dissatisfaction with the job performed by a current sitting legislator. I understand how you feel and how easy it is for you, the voters, to become disenfranchised with your duly elected officials. Personally, I do not feel that the right reason to run for public office is merely to unseat a current politician, and I would never run for only that reason. I feel the right reason to run for public office should be to see what positive things you can accomplish for your constituents and the State of Wyoming if you are fortunate enough to be elected.

At the moment, I am accomplishing many positive goals for the voters in HD47 and SD11 with my work protecting their valuable water rights, with measurable progress to date and still much work to do. As some of you may know, the work I am doing is very important and I am in a good position to realize more success in the future. I feel I can be a more valuable asset to the voters of HD47 and SD11 in these endeavors and would prefer to dedicate my time to these efforts into the future as a citizen, rather than as a legislator.

Again, thank you so much for all of your support and confidence. I encourage everyone and anyone to step up to the responsibility of serving the public in the capacity as legislator, regardless of political affiliation, in this great State of Wyoming. It is a great honor, and a decision you will not regret, even if you do not prevail in the election.

Take care,

Former Representative

Jeb Steward


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