Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Preschool comes bearing gifts

At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident.

Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, five residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning. On Monday afternoon, five residents played Yahtzee with Janet Kennaday winning. On Tuesday morning, five residents played Dominoes with Janet Kennaday winning. On Wednesday afternoon, 13 residents played Bingo, and Friday afternoon, 14 residents played Bingo. Frank Jereb, Charlotte Gibbons, and Truth Karstoft won Four Corners. Kenny Hoagland, Truth Karstoft, and Charlotte Gibbons won Blackouts.

Our Bingo helpers were Lila Worden, Joannie Johnson, Nancy Facciani, Dawna Erickson, Elder Ramirez, Elder Franz, and Gloria Rakness.

During the evenings throughout the week, residents watched the Turner Classic Movie channel. On Sunday morning, four residents watched the VCR movie, “Key Largo”. On Tuesday afternoon, seven residents watched the VCR movie, “Decoration Day”. On Saturday morning, residents watched the VCR movie, “The Journeyman”.

For Lunch Out at the Saratoga Senior Center, four residents had hamburgers on Monday, and four residents had egg salad sandwiches on Friday.

On Sunday afternoon, Ben Fretchy stood in for Pastor Arlen Hughes of the Abundant Life Fellowship at our church service for seven residents. Doris Davis assisted on the keyboard.

On Tuesday morning, Reverend Helen Young of the Saratoga Presbyterian Church offered Bible Study to six residents.

On Wednesday morning, Lynda Healey,Georgia Schroer, Merlynn Hoopes, Brad, Asheley, and Kathy McMorrow gave Hair Care to 12 residents and Nail Care to 11 residents.

On Thursday afternoon, four residents went on a van ride around Saratoga.

On Thursday evening during supper, Teense Willford sang and played country-western music for 26 residents.

On Thursday and Friday, our hairdresser from Hanna cut hair for 11 residents.

If interested in helping us prepare the ground and then plant seeds for our garden, please call Brenda Eaton, our Director of Nursing.

We wish to thank the Excel PreSchool kids for the nice colored map decorations for all residents.

The activities program relies on the assistance of volunteers to enhance the lives of residents. If interested in being a volunteer, please call Tom Mansfield, Activity Director, at 326-8212.


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