Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Birthday dinner Friday night

Dominoes winners for last week were Madeline Telfer with one win; Bob Thompson with two wins; Dick Blake with one win, Ginny Riddick with one win, Betty Merrill with one win and Joe Remick with one win.

Coffee Drinkers where Laura Rettelle, Connie Beckham, Patty Herring, La Dawn Vorn, Jo Bennett, Arleigh Simmons, Ellie Behrmann, Dodey Brown, Karen Dibbern.

Quilters where Nancy Lynch, Sandy Miller, Jo Roberson, Lila Walbye, Betty Merrill and Vonda Wieburg.

We had a great turn out for breakfast at noon on Saturday.

Tuesday, we will be hosting the Carbon County Commissioners meeting at 2 p.m.

This Friday is birthday/anniversary evening meal with Dodey Brown as the entertainment. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. The menu will be Chicken Cordon Bleu, green beans, wild rice, cheesy onion roll, strawberry cake and ice cream sundae. Here are the trivia clues, 1- mostly grown in California, 2 - Super hero, 3 - Not (blank) again.


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