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The Saratoga Middle/High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Chapter brought home six medals from the 2014 Wyoming State Competition in Cheyenne.
The gold medal winner from the event was Harley Klemola, who won a chance to compete at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in San Antonio, Texas this July. The bronze winners included Joey Bauer and Nikki Pacheco; Haley Soles; Rodrigo Escobedo and Thatcher Spiering; and John Brennan and Emmanuel Pattishall-Baker.
Bronze winners Max Schneider, Spiering, Darian Williams won $4,500 in scholarships.
All bronze winners are waiting to hear if Gold and Silver winners in each event turn down their chance to attend the NLC, thus giving them the option to attend.
Last weekend's state competition also featured a presentation advocating against texting and driving, given by a National FCCLA Officer, and another against harassment, presented by "Friends of Rachel". The Saratoga Chapter donated over $150 to the March of Dimes for the State Officer Project, having filled a basketball with coins for their "March Madness" service project.
"SMHS FCCLA members would like to thank everyone who made it possible for them to have the opportunity to attend and compete at the 2014 State Convention," said SMHS FCCLA Advisor Linda Fisher-Perue. "Work is not over for the year, as members are now working on the plans for a high school dance in May, and selling chocolate lollipops for the month of April Autism Awareness project."
State Competition
Medal winners:
Harley Klemola - Occupational Interior Design - Gold
Joey Bauer and Nikki Pacheco - Senior Consumer in Advocacy - Bronze
Haley Soles - Senior Consumer in Teach and Train - Bronze
Max Schneider, Thatcher Spiering and Darian Williams - Occupational Culinary Arts -Bronze
Rodrigo Escobedo and Thatcher Spiering - Occupational Sports Nutrition, Bronze
John Brennan and Emmanuel Pattishall-Baker - Senior Consumer Service Project Portfolio -Bronze
Other members and their events:
Meredith Lincoln and Alicia Zaragoza - Junior Consumer in Entrepreneurship
Darian Williams - Occupational in Entrepreneurship
Chase Mennear - Junior Consumer in Advocacy
Ben Falk - Senior Consumer in Recycle and Redesign (Fifth place)
Riley Sandilands - Senior Consumer in Recycle and Redesign
Nick Smith -Occupational in Extemporaneous Speaking
Johny Bauer -Senior Consumer in Baking
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