Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Hard copies handy

Recently, the staff at the Saratoga Sun had to look up legals from two different agencies that ran several years ago. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, we are happy to oblige.

Fortunately, it is not a problem, because we have newspapers dating back to 1891 to research.

Those requests reinforced how important it is to have legals running in a newspaper.

The Saratoga Sun provides affidavits for legal advertisements to the advertisers, whether it is a private citizen or an entity in the state government.

It’s proof that the legal ad ran and when.

Keeping an archive of those newspapers provide a protection for these entities. Affidavits get lost, or extra copies are needed. Sometimes the newspaper gets torn over the years and the notice becomes difficult to read.

With newspapers, we can research the legal notice and provide absolute proof that it ran when it was supposed to run.

The next time you hear an argument that legal notices are a waste of money, or that they can be provided on a website only, ask this question - How can you prove you ran the legal anywhere else?


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