Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Dining hall nearing completion

At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoyed many activities throughout the week. The Activity Department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident.

Our dining room has been repainted and looks decidedly better with new light fixtures and various pictures hanging on the walls. Nearly completed, these renovations were done by staff and Brenda Eaton’s family. Our Sirius radio is working again for residents to enjoy at mealtimes.

It looks great, and we want to thank everyone who worked on it.

Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, five residents played Dominoes with Truth Karstoft winning. On Tuesday morning, five residents elected to play Yahtzee with Dora Martin winning. On Wednesday afternoon, 12 residents played Bingo, and on Friday afternoon, 12 residents played Bingo. Truth Karstoft, Nadine Caleb, Janet Kennady, and Kenny Hoagland won Four Corners. Pat Rust, Charlotte Gibbons, and Janet Kennaday won Blackouts. Our Bingo helpers were Lila Worden, Joy Hamilton, Dawna Erickson, and Gloria Rakness, with Gloria Rakness calling on Wednesday.

During the evenings throughout the week, residents watched the Turner Classic Movie channel. On Sunday morning, residents watched the VCR movie, “Desk Set”. On Tuesday afternoon, five residents watched the VCR movie, “Bells are Ringing”. On Saturday morning, residents watched the VCR movie, “The Treasure of Lost Canyon”.

For Lunch Out at the Saratoga Senior Center, on Monday five residents had pork roast, and on Friday, five residents had corned beef and cabbage with birthday cake. We celebrated the birthday of Dora Martin, among others.

On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Stinson of the Saratoga Missionary Alliance Church led our church service with Joe Gaspari assisting with hymns and Doris Davis assisting on the keyboard.

On Monday afternoon, 17 residents had green cake and sherbet to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Eight residents played Bingo with Kenny Hoagland winning Blackout.

On Tuesday morning, Reverend Helen Young offered Bible Study to five residents.

On Wednesday morning, Lynda Healey and Merlynn Hoopes gave Hair Care to eight ladies and Nail Care to seven residents.

On Thursday afternoon, the Rebekah Lodge hosted ourmonthly birthday party. We celebrated the birthdays of Kenny Hoagland, Dora Martin, and Helen Schmitt with birthday cake and ice cream.


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