Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Teense to perform Friday

There were four here for bingo Tuesday. $2 winners were Sue Howe, Madaline Forbes. Berneil McCord and Winnie Allen shared a $2 round. Merle Starr won the $3 blackout round.

There were eight here for Bridge Monday. High winner were Gertrude Harold & Lee Groshart. Second high went to Glee Johnson & Sheila Johnson.

We want to wish Marty Perue a speedy recovery. She suffered a mini stroke this week. She is doing OK but is recovering at home. We miss her cheery face up here. Get well soon.

We will be having our birthday dinner this Friday so please make plans to join us. It will be our corn beef and cabbage dinner. Teense Willford assured me he will be here with some Irish songs.

It was so nice to meet Dick Ament’s daughter and son in law, Dennis and Patricia Hutsell. Hope you will join us again.

Armand and Janet Zahn were here on Friday. It is good to see them back and hope they will come join us again.

Janet is one of the people who came last summer and played music on Tuesday evenings. They told me they would like to start it up again. They will start on Tuesday April first at 6 p.m. and play until about 8 p.m. It is so enjoyable just to sit and listen to all of them play together. It is open to the public to come and listen at no cost. If you play ANY instrument they would welcome you to join them. If you sing they will let you do that as well. Please come and check out the talent we have in the Valley.


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