Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
There were six here on Tuesday to play Bingo. Two-dollar winners were Madaline Forbes, Sue Howe, Grace Johnston, and Betty Dean. Betty Dean and Grace Johnston shared the $4 blackout round.
There were eight here for Bridge Monday. High winner were Lee Groshart & Mary Sjoden. Second high went to Bob Johnson and Vivian Campbell.
We had our birthday dinner Friday. Those having birthdays this month are Nadine Caleb, Madaline Forbes, Donna Nordin, Marty Perue, Karlene Sjoden, Charlotte Gibbons, Bill Busey, Roxie Baldwin, Deanna Black, Pat Faust, Frank Jereb, Arlene Wagner and Sherry Weinert. Donna Nordin won the birthday money. Jack and Ginny Riddick celebrated their anniversary this month as well. We were very happy to welcome Garry Wood and his wife Mirthe here for the entertainment. Garry is from Saratoga. He moved to Nashville where he met and married Mirthe. They created a duo called “The Bird and The Bear”. They are on tour for the next several months. They played in Lincoln, Neb. 19, Laramie on Feb. 20 for us at noon on Friday and the at Duke’s on Feb. 21 and the Saratoga Resort and Spa on Feb. 22.
On March 1, the couple will fly to Holland where they have several concerts to perform in England. Their genre is Americana Folk music. We all enjoyed them very much. We would like them to join us again when they are back in town.
It was great to have Amber Williams back up with us. We haven’t seen much of her lately. She brought up her spelling bee trophies. She took first for the eighth graders and second in the county spelling bee in Rawlins this week. Now it is on to the state spelling bee. Congratulations to Amber and good luck at state.
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