Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Public hearing for waste-water outfall planned

The Saratoga/Carbon County Impact Joint Powers Board held their regular scheduled meeting Feb. 12.

Town Engineer Chuck Bartlett said that phase two of their loan application for the Waste Water project went out two weeks ago, but the town is still working on the environmental assessment of the project. Bartlett said that he is working with Wyoming Game and Fish to insure that the projects are environmentally sound.

There will be a public hearing concerning the waste-water outfall project at 6 p.m. on Mar. 6 at Saratoga Town Hall.

Bartlett also said that the town of Saratoga used 9,489,654 gallons of water for the month of January.

The next meeting will take place 6 p.m. Mar. 12 at Saratoga Town Hall.


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