Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Constitution 'kicked down the hall'


Recently the Wyoming State Supreme Court rendered a decision on the constitutionality of SF104. The 3 to 2 decision found that SF104 was unconstitutional legislation. The Governor and the responsible legislators crossed the line, in an attempt to marginalize and diminish the character and reputation of Cindy Hill, the peoples elected choice. The petition drive to repeal SF104 was never about Cindy Hill personally, it was the peoples issue with a Governor who decided he and his minions in the legislature could remove an elected official from a position and then gut the position leaving Hill a token employee of the state. He then created a new title for the same job and made it a Governor’s appointed position. We voted for the person we wanted in office and our choice was simply removed along with our right to vote anyone else into that position in the future. Either the media never understood the issue, are pandering to those who want to see the destruction of Cindy Hill, or are creating journalism instead of investigating and reporting the researched facts. I suspect it is a combination of all three. Cindy came to do a job for the students of Wyoming, whether she was an effective, honest, superintendent or not has not been demonstrated but the facts are yet to be revealed. The SF104 petition was formed and signed by citizens who were outraged at this “power grab” by a State Government which appears to be taking its lead from the current federal administration. In a

“Well if my big brother can do it, I am going to try it” move, has the Governor put himself and several legislators in a very bad legal position”? Did they think Wyoming Citizens were so uneducated or uniformed they would not noticed that the Constitution was being kicked down the halls of the capitol and their rights were being blatantly abolished? There are two separate issues: Cindy Hill has her personal fight for her reputation and career, and the people of Wyoming need to hold this administration’s feet to the fire for the injustice that was leveled on them by a Governor who campaigned as a conservative and governs as a progressive. The Rawlins Newspaper reported that employees that work in the education department of the state were “heartbroken” and “sobbed” at the news of the Supreme Court’s decision in this matter. If that kind of emotional outburst actually happened, it is time to clean house and remove such emotionally unstable employees from positions that effect the education of our students. Since we can no longer trust the media to report facts we will need to dig them out for ourselves. The information is out there open to the public if you want to understand what is happening to your God given rights.

You have to want to know more about your rights, than who is going to win dancing contests, be kicked off an island, or which pundit is going to feed you what you want to hear, before you will take action. How many lines are we going to draw in the sand before we back up at least one of them?

Barry R. Cole

Encampment, Wyoming


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