Keeping busy in Encampment

Dominos: Laura Rettelle two wins, Jack & Ginny Riddick one win each, Phil Fleming one win, Betty Merrill, Bill & Madeline Telfer, two wins for Bill, Bob & Lois Thompson, four wins for Bob and one for Lois, Dick Blake three wins, Dodey Brown, Roy & Donna Wells.

Coffee Drinkers: Laura Rettelle, Connie Beckham, Patty Herring, Karen Bibbern, Dodey Brown, Ellie Behemann, Dani Herring, Arleigh Simmons, Donna Wells, LaDawn Voier, Jo Bonnett, Charlene Cole. I would like to give a special welcome back to Jo Bonnett from surgery and recovery, we are all happy to have her back for Coffee and Meals.

Bridge Game: Players this month are Sheila Johnson, Rosemary Craighead, Kay Fleming, and Barb Wise.

Quilting every Thursday: Nancy Lynch, Lila Walbye, Nam Busby, Sandy Martin, Kay Flemig, Betty Merril, Karen Casson, Jo Roberson, Vonda Wieberg, Sandy Miller, Leslie Farr, Judy Stepp, Dodey Brown on Jo Roberson’s beautiful quilt.

News for the Month: Jan. 17th we had our evening meal and celebrated Jack Riddick, Lila Walbye and Dutch Miller who attended for their Birthdays. Special thanks to Teense Wilford for the great entertainment, we just love having him with us. Kim Loftice, my assistant, is on the mend with her hip surgery recovery, it’s a long prose and everyone says “HI”. A thank you to Ellie Behrmann, for giving her time to check blood pressures for our seniors on Jan. 2 and 16..Well, one month down and eleven to go. Thoughts and prayers to those who are ill and unable to attend meals, just a reminder that we would love to deliver to anyone in our area 60 and older that is not able to attend at the center. Give us a call at 307-327-5937 and we will be happy to get you set up for deliver.


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