Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Cards, movies, bingo & lunch

There were two tables here for Bridge Monday. High winners were Lee Groshart and Sue Howe. Second high went to Kristi Groshart and Bob Johnson.

We showed the movie “Identity Theft” on Thursday. There were 10 of us that stayed for the movie and popcorn. I think they all enjoyed it. We hadn’t had a movie up here in quite a while, so it was nice.

We did have a breakfast here on Friday because we always have a low count for fish. It was a big success and it kept our count up.

We were sorry to hear that Pat Faust went in to the nursing home for a while. We want to wish her a speedy recovery and we do miss her. But I am sure she will enjoy playing bingo over there.

We have started another poker game. A lot of the people enjoy playing it. This game lasts for five weeks. The one at the end of the five weeks with the best hand wins the money. It costs you a dollar a card each week. So depending on the number of people playing the pot can get pretty high.

We want to thank Tim Monroe (the new director over at the nursing home) for the box of candy he brought over to the seniors when he came to introduce himself to all of us. He seemed very nice and we would like for him to come and join us for lunch soon. And it is good to have the rest of the seniors coming back at least once a week to have lunch with us. They have not been coming for a month because of weather. Welcome back. We missed you all. We do have room on the bus for more of you to come over. Just make arrangements with Tom Mansfield to come and join us.

Remember the bus is available for anyone that might need a ride to the doctor or the store or just to a friend’s house. Just call us here at the center and we will get you there.


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