Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
With local holiday season festivities all wrapped up, Encampment Town Council members were looking forward to more winter fun with the Sierra Madre Winter Carnival.
Earlier in Thursday’s town council meeting, council members discussed and approved the prize money for the carnival’s events. Also approved, and brought up by Doreen Harvey, was an agreement signed with Bill Saulcy, which would release him of liability if something happened during the snow sculpture contest.
The Sierra Madre Winter Carnival is scheduled to take place Jan. 24-26 at various locations around Encampment.
Looking back on earlier fun in town, council member Mary Martin said she was pleased to see the recent New Year’s Eve Movie Night at the Grand Encampment Opera House be such a success.
“We had more than 40 people come out, and we had a lot of families,” she said.
The town council also approved advertising for the annual Encampment/Riverside dog clinic next month. Town Clerk/Treasurer Doreen Harvey said the dog clinic had been scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon on Feb. 1 at the Encampment Town Hall foyer.
The council also approved to designate depositories including The Rawlins National Bank, Bank of the West, the Wyoming Government Investment Fund, WYO-STAR and the Bank of Commerce. The Saratoga Sun and the Rawlins Daily Times were approved as official newspapers. Posting places for the agenda and minutes include Encampment Town Hall, the Encampment Post Office and the Sagebrush Senior Center.
The council also approved to renew its annual membership with the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce at the $250 level of sponsorship.
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