Sagebrush ready for new year

Dominos: Betty Merrill, Bob and Lois Thompson, Bill and Madeline Telfer, Phil Fleming, Dick Blake, Laura Rettelle, Jack and Ginny Riddick. Coffee Drinkers: Laura Rettelle, Connie Beckham, Karen Bibbern, Patty Herring, Dody Brown, Ellie Behrmann, Arleigh Simmons. Bridge Game: Starts back Jan. 8, and then every Wednesday. Quilters started a new quilt, this time around is Jo Roberson’s beautiful quilt. Quilting is every Thursday after lunch, quilters are: Nancy Lynch, Lila Walbye, Sandy Martin, Kay Fleming, Betty Merrill, Karen Casson, Jo Roberson, Vonda Wieburg.

News for the Month: Happy New Yea...


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