Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Reflections: Grand Encampment gets its first church

Reprint of this story from the December 25, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.

Fowler M. E Church Hold Christmas Services in the New Building

Christmas 1903 was celebrated by the Methodist Sabbath school at Grand Encampment in the good old fashioned way, with a real live Santa Claus appearing upon the scene of the festivities amid the jingle of sleigh bells and loaded down with toys and nicknacks for the little folks; with a big tall Christmas tree sparkling with light and bending beneath its burden of candy, nuts pop-guns, jumping jacks, dolls, etc.

The new M. E. church was crowded to its capacity last evening and the occasion was made memorable by a very delightful program of events. The entertainment was given over almost entirely to the children and for the children, who were certainly enraptured both in giving and receiving.

The New Church

The people of Grand Encampment are rejoicing because of the completion of the new Fowler M. E. church in which services are now being held.

This is Grand Encampment’s first church building, services having been held in various undesirable places during the past few years, and it is a subject of universal gladness that the church going people of the community have a regular house of worship. The new church has been talked of for more than two years. Its inception was more of a hope than a certainty, yet hardly had the proposition been made public when several friends of Grand Encampment gladly rallied to the support of the enterprise, and gave it a good substantial foundation in a financial way.

More than one gentleman put their names down for $500, while the heaviest subscriber giving $785. Smaller subscriptions were made by outside parties, while the sum of $1500 was donated by the church extension society.

The people of Grand Encampment have not left the financial responsibility to sympathizers alone but have generously given to the building fund. Sufficient money has been subscribed to pay every dollar of indebtedness, and the greater part of the money will be collected.

The new church is an attractive structure both upon the exterior and within its walls. It is a specimen of honest workmanship throughout, standing up as firm against the terrors of the southwest wind as stands the truth, which it represents, against the powers of a wicked world. The house which is built upon a rock, set high upon a hill, sending out its bright lights as a beacon to the lost, stands out majestically to tell the world of the noble mission of its building.

Let those who have interests in Grand Encampment rejoice with the people of this community that in the busy battle for the building up of commercial enterprises, the importance of the church has not been overlooked. Grand Encampment has a fine church; well built, adequate in proportion, and one which would be a credit to a much larger city.


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