Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Senior Center to host Ugly/Pretty sweater contest

There were four people here to play Bingo this week. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord and Grace Johnston.

Sue Howe and Grace Johnston shared a $2 round, as did Grace Johnston and Berneil McCord. Grace Johnston won the $2 blackout round.

There were five people here for Bridge on Monday. High winner was Bob Johnson.

We will be serving breakfast on from 8 to 10 a.m. Dec. 24 and then be closed for lunch. Please be sure to let us know if you will need a meal for Dec. 25, as we will be closed so our staff can spend Christmas Day with their families.

At noon on Monday, Dec. 23, we will be having an Ugly or Prettiest sweater contest. The prize will be two lunch tickets, so be sure and get a sweater ready and come join us for lunch. It should be a lot of fun.

Also we will be having our birthday/anniversary dinner on Friday. Please remember to give us a call to get your name on the list so we have enough cooked.

Jane will be taking the bus out on Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. to look at the Christmas lights around Saratoga. If you are interested in riding the the bus, please call us by Thursday and get your name on the list.

We want to thank the Cattle Women for the donation of the roast beef for this dinner. It is something they have been doing the past couple of years. And we want to thank Hazel and Cindy Ballard for coming to deliver them. We missed seeing Shorty this year. Usually he drives the girls here and has lunch with us. Hopefully we will see him soon.

We want to send get well wishes to Pat Faust, who was in the Rawlins Hospital. She will be going to Casper for some rehab. Hope you are up and going strong real soon as we all miss you.

It is good to have Ralph Benson back with us. He reported Judy is doing well. All her tests came back pretty well. We all want to wish her well also.

It was nice to meet Toni Rietveld. She taking over for Sue Bartlett when she retires in a couple of weeks. We will miss Sue but we are looking forward to working with Toni as our public health nurse. It was nice to have Sue Bartlett up and she said she will be back hopefully with her husband.

Betty Vyvey’s family came with her to lunch on Friday. She brought her daughter Dixie Minear, her daughter Tammy Vyvey, one of Tammy’s twins, (Renee), and Renee’s daughter Novalee.

Renee, her husband Josh and Novalee Boyer are visiting from Ocala, Fla. While the girls were here for lunch, Josh was out to the lake trying some ice fishing. He says he cannot do that in Florida.


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