Mother and son donate hair for children in need

On Nov. 25, Theresa Bokelman at Red Sage Spa cut off 20 inches of hair in a matter of minutes.

Sally Wells and her son Dallas have been growing their hair for Locks of Love and had it cut off to send in to the Locks of Love organization.

This is the third time Sally has grown her hair out and had it cut off for Locks of Love. It was the first for Dallas.

Sally has been growing her hair for four years, Dallas for three years.

After cutting their hair, Theresa put the hair in baggies for the mother and son to send to Locks of Love.

Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces for financially disadvantaged children under the age of 21 in the United States and Canada, according the website.

Most of the children who benefit from the wigs suffer from a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure, the website said.

The hairpieces are used to help restore the children's self-esteem and confidence.

The website recommends using a salon the donator is already familiar with to ensure their comfort when donating.

For more information about Locks of Love and what is required to donate hair, visit their website


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