One call fits all: Saratoga business provides help for a variety of needs

Lynda Healey tries not to say no when asked to lend a helping hand.

"There is not much I won't consider doing, as long as it's legal," she said. "I'm not afraid to try new things."

Even if the task involves wearing a gorilla costume, Healey finds herself, not only willing, but sometimes enjoying her job.

Healey, since coming up with the idea in 2000 while living in Star Valley, has offered a variety of services to her community, simply because she saw a need.

"In every community I have been in, there was a need for what I do," she said.

The needs she saw prompted Healey to start her own business - Another Pair of Hands.

"Say you want to scrapbook, but you have to clean your cupboards. Well, I'll clean your cupboards so you can go scrapbook," she said.

Since 2000, Healey said she has run her business on and off for several years, and started the business in Saratoga about two months ago.

Saratoga resident Bonnie Rogers, who hired Healey, said she was pleased with the service.

"I was surprised, but I was very pleased because it is hard to find someone that can do so many different things, and she did such a beautiful job for me," Rogers said.

Rogers said she was reluctant to call, at first, but needed some house cleaning done.

"She cleaned up the mess we had, and she left the room absolutely gorgeous."

Rogers said she plans on hiring Healey again to organize a yard sale in the future.

HealEy said she often gets calls from people who are reluctant, at first, but are usually happy with the job and price.

Healey said she got a call from a household that had a large mess that needed cleaned.

"Every dish in the house was dirty, and the refrigerator was dirty. They were embarrassed to call, and I said 'Why?'"

Healey helped clean the dishes and refrigerators with no problem and zero judgement, she said.

Healey said she can relate to many of her customers, because she, herself, often had no time and a million things to do.

"There was a time in my life where I was very busy and I sat there and I wished I had another pair of hands," she said.

Now, helping others complete tasks is almost like therapy, Healey said.

"I feel satisfaction with every job I do," she said. "Every job I have done has given me a feeling of self-worth."

Healey estimates she has completed more than 500 jobs falling within 20 different categories. But she doesn't face all her tasks alone. Healey said if she feels she is unable to do a job, she will refer a customer to her husband, Dennis, who owns Handy Man.

The most unusual job Healey did was dressing up like a gorilla and walking into a bank with balloons and gifts.

"Here I was in a costume and a mask going into a bank. It wasn't until I got back in the car that I realized I went into a bank in a mask," she said. "When I look back at it now, I realized that the guard had his hand on his pistol."

Although Healey is comfortable doing most legal jobs, she said she will not participate in humiliating someone.

"It is either going to create a happy memory, or I'm not going to do it," she said.

Lynda said the job is fun, and is glad to provide a business that can potentially fulfill a variety of needs.

When someone calls, they surprise me with something else, but usually I can figure out a way we can get it done, and we always agree on a reasonable price," she said.


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