Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Grand Encampment gets new boarding house

Reprint of this story from the November 28, 1902 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma's Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.


The Copper State Hotel is the latest addition to the boarding and rooming house aggregation in the city of Grand Encampment. It is located on McCaffrey Avenue, one block north of Parkison's store, and faces west. The building is 50x50 feet, two stories high, and contains twenty-one sleeping rooms in addition to parlor, office, dining room and kitchen. The rooms on the first floor are finished, and present a very handsome appearance with the newest effects in fine papering and painting.

The rooms on the second floor will be ready for occupancy next week, and the entire house will lie furnished with almost all new furniture, some few items of furniture having been brought from Battle.

The landlady, Mrs. A. B. Kinsella, has been conducting a hotel at Battle for some time, but decided that Grand Encampment is a much better location. She has won a reputation for setting a good table and giving patrons satisfactory service in every respect, and those who patronize the new establishment are assured of this same treatment. The dining room was opened to the public this week, and next week Mrs. Kinsella will be ready to receive roomers.

The hotel is well built and presents a substantial appearance. It is wired for electric lights and will be comfortably heated. On the south side a small store room has been added and this has been rented to Messrs. Nuzum and Smith for a stage line office. H.G. Fudge is the contractor in charge of the building of the hotel.

Minor Notes:

Killed at RUDEFEHA

At 1:30 o'clock today, L.A. Anderson, a laborer, was buried alive while excavating for one the new buildings at the Ferris-Haggarty mine. The excavation tumbled in, bringing death to the unfortunate victim while at work.

Chris Christenson, another laborer, was badly bruised. Anderson has been in this section for some years, having been recently employed at Phillips' coal bank. He is a single man about thirty-five years of age.

A little snow fell in Grand Encampment yesterday afternoon – just enough to make the day seem a little more like the old time Thanksgiving day.


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