Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

New flagpole dedicated

Hi, everybody! Well it appears winter is here and so is the awful time change. I hope I’m not the only one who has trouble adjusting to it.

We had a great birthday and anniversary dinner Oct. 18, and would like to thank Debbie Easterling, Janet Zahn, and JR Hensley for the great entertainment.

Our flea market and chili and pie lunch was well attended since we had such cooperative weather. Sue Holle of Lincoln, Neb., was the winner of our Sunflowers quilt. She and some friends were visiting the friends’ relatives in the area and visited the Grand Encampment Museum where she purchased her ticket. We would like to thank the museum for displaying our raffle quilt and selling tickets each year. Our haunted house was a big success and a whole lot of fun next year we plan to do it again.

Our new flagpole, in memory of Leonard Clark, has been erected and was dedicated Monday. The VFW conducted the ceremony. November should be another busy month. We had breakfast for lunch on Nov. 9. Our birthday and anniversary dinner will be a Thanksgiving feast on Friday. The entertainment will be Teense Willford, who always is such a delight to have. Be sure to call 327-5937for reservations. Just a reminder we will be closed the Nov.28 and 29 for the holiday.

The coffee drinkers are still enjoying their chatter each morning. The domino players missed the Telfers for several weeks but they played on without them. And the puzzle piecers have been piecing more difficult puzzles of late. Or is it that they, too, missed the Telfers. After finishing Rosalie Cousins last quilt the quilting bees took a couple weeks off because of all the other events taking place. They, no doubt will get another one on the frame this week.

I hope I haven’t missed too much good news. ’Till I show up again be good to each other.


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