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Make it with Wool program to honor Johnson: Seamstress to be honored at local, state level.

Make it with Wool will honor a longtime advocate for the program who died earlier this year from a rare disease.

Roxana Johnson was a huge advocate in Carbon County for agriculture, sewing, 4-H and other activities in her community, said Charlene Abbott, Roxana's friend. Roxana also helped bring a Bountiful Baskets Food program to Encampment.

"We could always call on Roxana," Abbott said. "She was always volunteering."

Roxana, of Encampment, volunteered her time with 4-H, and helped youth in the program learn to sew, which was one of Roxana's greatest passions.

"Roxana was a seamstress second to none," Abbott said. "She taught kids how to sew correctly."

Make it with Wool was one of Roxana's favorite programs, and had been involved for more than 45 years. Roxana served as the district contest coordinator for more than 20 years and also served as the state contest director.

"She was an excellent director. She spent a lot of time in service to this program," said Lynda Jordan, the new Wyoming contest director. Lynda won the National Make it with Wool contest last year, a triumph she experienced with Roxana by her side.

Lynda said the state, as well as the local, Make it with Wool contests will be dedicated to Roxana this year at the Carbon County District Contest. A photo of Roxana, and samples of her wool sewing will be presented. A speaker will also share memories of Roxana.

The district competition starts the morning of Nov. 2 at the Jeffrey Community Center in Rawlins. The speech honoring Roxana will take place at 2 p.m. The state competition will be held Dec. 1 in Casper at the Park Way Plaza.

Roxana's death was a great loss to the community, said her husband of almost 50 years Jim Johnson.

"She would help anybody do anything," he said.

Roxana died April 25 in her home about seven weeks after she discovered she had Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, a rare disease in humans that is neurodegenerative.

Roxana's death was especially hard on Jim, he said, because of the strong connection he shared with her.

"I've lost aunts, uncles, good friends, those were all tough, but were nothing compared to this," he said.

But Jim focuses on the positive, looking back at the memories of Roxana.

"She's gone, but the memories are still there," he said.

Jim met Roxana December 1962 on a blind date while both were attending the University of Wyoming. Jim said they immediately had a connection, and later got married September 1965, and made their home at the Elite Hereford Ranch near Encampment.

Jim said Roxana would often teach kids how to sew and help them with their 4-H projects.

"At one time, we had as many as 25 girls at our house doing summer sewing," he said.

Jim said he sees a lot of Roxana in his daughters and granddaughters.

Five of Roxana's grandchildren will participate in Make it with Wool contests this year.


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