Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
This hunting season, I have witnessed a much greater gory display of harvested animals than I ever have in my time in the valley. Folks who do not hunt may not care one way or the other about hunting, but upon being confronted with the stark and gory display of a harvested animal, the sight may force them into opposing hunting. We don’t want a concerted effort to outlaw hunting to begin out of the discomfort instigated by a few hunters. Not every child has grown up in a home seeing dead deer and elk, and it could be quite shocking for them to see a cut off head tied to a top of a truck. This is not the way to encourage young folks to hunt and it is not the way to represent all hunters to the community as blood thirsty killers. Responsible and thoughtful hunters have been welcomed to our valley. I understand hunters are excited that they have filled their tag, but, please, give some respect to the animal that gave its life to bring nourishment to you and your family. Please keep the carcass covered and don’t tie heads or other body parts for prominent and blatant display.
Lee Ann Stephenson
Riverside, WY
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