Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Oct. 26, 1911
On the cigarette evil
Drastic action by the authorities of Notre Dame College in Indiana, imposing the penalty of expulsion on students who persist in smoking cigarettes will not be regarded as too severe.
A youth of sufficient age to have entered the freshmen class of any college, and who is so far under the influence of cigarette habit that nothing but ostracism can save him, should have been saved in that way.
Such as ostracism cannot save will have to be lost, even if they be so far lost that, at their funeral obsequies, it will be impossible to pay even the negative tribute that was paid to Bill Slocum in Tombstone.
Bill was the dregs of Tombstone society, and, when at his grave, somebody, or anybody, was asked to say a good word for him, the only thing they could recall of him was that “he never smoked no cigarettes,” This was scant eulogy, but many cigarette fiends will be buried with even less.
Indiana has one of the most drastic statutes in the country to protect her boys of tender years against mental and physical destruction of the cigarette habit. …
75 years ago
Oct. 21, 1938
Over 1,200,000 fish have been planted this year
Fish plants from federal fisheries stationed near Saratoga have totaled over 1,200,000 trout since the start of the season July 1, according to an announcement this week by Supt. S.M. Ainsworth. The plants included the four species of trout raised here, the superintendent said, and remarked further that at least 90 percent of the plants were made outside this territory, in the forest reserves, and in response to comparatively private or personal applications for the little fish. Due to few applications only about 500,000 fish have been placed in Platte Valley waters this season.
Mr. Ainsworth said plants since July 1 included 518,267 brook trout, 400,636 natives, 242,236 rainblow and 53,800 loch leven. Out of these totals, 293,411brooks, 91,174 native, 78,794 rainbow and 40,984 loch leven trout were placed in local waters. Possibly 42,000 more will be planted in the Valley out of a total of 117,000 still in the hatchery to be placed in streams before the end of the present planning season.
50 years ago
Oct. 25, 1963
George B. Storer receives TV award
According to a recent news release from New York City, George B. Storer of Saratoga and Miami Beach, Fla., chairman of the Storer Broadcasting Co., received Pulse’s 21st annual Man of the Year award at a luncheon at the plaza Hotel in New York.
Mr. Storer, praised for bringing responsibility in broadcasting to the level of a high art, played a pioneering role in the development of television broadcasting in the 1940s.
The Pulse award, which is determined by a poll taken of widely respected authorities, annually goes to someone who has made outstanding contributions to the broadcasting industry. Mr. Storer was cited for responsible service to many publics. The release continued, not only the publics, which all broadcasters face, but as well the added public he undertook to serve and please when he decided to share ownership with the public.
Mr. Storer was also commended for bringing encouragement to the entire radio industry by pumping new life into floundering radio stations. …
25 years ago
Oct. 26, 1988
Drug panel stresses public awareness
Education and coordination were the main issues addressed by the Carbon County Substance Abuse Task Force, which met in Saratoga Wednesday night.
Task force members said educating people about drug abuse is the best way to prevent such abuse, and that adults should set a good example for children alcohol and other substances.
In addition, Task Force Coordinator Jan Tousley, at the request of Don Sherrod, agreed to try and synchronize the various county substance abuse prevention groups and better disseminate information on all the programs available so the public will be less confused about which group is which. …
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