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Reflections: Encampment attorney and editor pen Wyoming state song

Reprint of this story from the October 16, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.


Grand Encampment Production Sung at Industrial Convention Made a Hit and Has Been Endorsed as the State Song.

On Wednesday evening, Governor Chatterton announced a song entitled “Wyoming,” the words of which were written by Attorney Charlie E. Winter of Grand Encampment, and the music by Earle R. Clemens, editor of the Grand Encampment Herald, which facts were stated by the Governor. The song is written for solo and male quartet and upon the initiatory presentation, Mr. Clement sang the solo and male quartet, and upon the initiatory presentation was joined in the chorus by Messrs. Atchison and Cope of Sheridan, and Mr. Winter.

That the song made a hit was evidenced by the demonstrative applause and the encore, and also by numerous congratulations, and orders for copies of the song. Thursday night when Mr. Clemens, upon the Governor’s request, sang selections from the Prince of Pilsen, the audience called for “Wyoming,” the demand coming from all parts of the house. The song was not given again, however, until Friday night, when it was sung following an address by Dr. C.K. Lewis, president of the Wyoming State University, Dr. Lewis having requested Mr. Clemens to present same.

As result of the effort, the Winter-Clemens production has been endorsed as the official Wyoming State song by the State press association, the State industrial convention, and by the faculty of the State University. The song will be in print at an early date, and will sell at fifty cents. Without solicitation, a large number of orders were handed in, and agents in various towns established upon their own request.

Minor Notes:

A stage coach loaded with passengers for Dillon was lost in a snowstorm on Bridger Peak last week. The horses floundered in the deep snow and the passengers passed an uncomfortable night. The storm was one of the worst ever noted in that section at this time of the year.

During the severe wind storm last week, the Miner’s hall and Fulks’ store building at Dillon both of which were under process of construction, were blown down. The hall will have to be rebuilt entirely, but a part of the Fulks building can be saved. The livery stable was also damaged. Many freighting outfits were obliged to camp wherever they happened to be when the storm struck them, as the teams were unable to pull against the wind. Such a storm is out of the ordinary, as destructive wind storms seldom visit a mountainous country.

The telephone company has repaired the serious damage done to poles between here and Saratoga during the storm last week.

A deposit of jet has been discovered north of Dillon, by George Smith and Alex LaMarsh. Samples were sent to the state university for analysis and also to U. S. geologists at New York City, who have pronounced it genuine jet of a good quality.

As jet is frequently accompanied by anthracite coal, search will now be made for that mineral. When it is considered that jet is valued at about $5.00 per pound, it will be seen that the discovery is a valuable one. Some of the specimens have been polished so as to reflect one’s image as in a mirror.


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