Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
Reprint of this story from the Oct. 2, 1903 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.
New Bank Going Up
The laying of the foundations for the new Emerson & Henry bank building in Grand Encampment has been commenced. Several men are employed and the work is rapidly proceeding.
Contractor J. M. Davies, under whose personal supervision the work is being done, states that the building will be completed and ready for occupancy by April 1, 1904, six months hence, at which time there will stand in the Hub of Progress the finest bank and office block in Carbon county.
The dimension material to be used in the building will be Oregon pine, while the finishing lumber will be sugar pine in natural finish. The exterior of the superstructure will be of brick, with pressed brick on the east and north sides. Homemade brick from Rosander’s will be used.
The hot water heating plant for the E. & H. building will cost $5,000 and the contract for its installation has been awarded to the Wernli-Boardman Co.
Plate glass will adorn the front of the first floor, where will be located store rooms and the North American Trust Co.’s bank. The second story will contain seventeen office rooms with bath and toilet rooms.
The two vaults will be fire and burglar proof, and iron shutters will be placed on the south and west to prevent fire from those quarters.
The structure will be 50x150 feet in dimensions, two stories in height, and very modern in appointments, the contract including hot water heat, electric lights, the finest fixtures and finishing and everything which money will buy to make it a really modern and creditable building.
The reduction plant of the North American Copper Co. works merrily on, turning out the stuff that makes telephone wires, copper kettles and the million and one other things on which the red metal has a cinch.
The total output since the blast furnaces were blown in week before last will reach 2,000 ingots before the close of the present week. All of the blister copper product is immediately loaded into wagons and hauled overland forty-four miles to Walcott for shipment to eastern refineries.
General Superintendent Tracy is planning some important improvements and additions which will be taken up at an early date. One of the first changes to be made is in the water supply which is furnished by the four-foot pipe line from the dam. The effective head, which is now 130 feet, will be increased to 136 by adding six feet to the height of the dam, while other improvements will be made to add to the water power capacity.
Fifteen men are now employed upon the lime beds between Grand Encampment and Ralli’s ranch. The lime is being hauled to the smelter for flux. The teams hauling out blister copper to Walcott are coming in with coke for the furnaces. Tom Graham, who has had charge of the tramway since it commenced to transport ore this spring, has been succeeded by F. C. Cramer, who now has charge of pipe line, water works and tramway. Graham, who is an expert in his line, will be with B. C. Riblet again this year in the building of one or more tramways now under contract.
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