Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
101 years ago
(The 1913-14 archives are unavailable)
Sept. 12, 1912
The opening of school
School opened Monday morning and the familiar call of the school bell sent many small feet hurrying toward the brick building on the hill side. Miss Clara Purvis is principal, Miss Walck presiding in the Grammar room, Mrs. Ekdahl in the Intermediary and Miss Nora Doggett in the Primary department. The rooms had been nicely cleaned, the desks scrubbed and all was in good order when the doors were thrown open to admit the youth of Saratoga. The needed books for the different rooms were ordered some two weeks ago, but had not arrived when school opened. There is a fine spirit of fraternity and good will prevailing among the teachers, who are determined to make this a record breaking school year. They will have the hearty co-operation of the board in their efforts to this end and every one hopes the pupils will show their usual commendable energy and thus make good progress.
75 years ago
Sept. 8, 1938
Wet weather interferes with sawmill operation
The local sawmill has been comparatively idle the past few days, owing to a shortage of logs. The past ten days of heavy rains have proved damaging to logging roads in the timber, and trucks have almost had to cease operating until the weather improves and roads have a chance to dry. The log supply was exhausted here Saturday, and the mill has been shut down since. It is expected that sawing operations may be resumed by next Monday.
50 years ago
Sept. 12, 1963
Bowling leagues formed Tuesday night at meeting at local lanes
Formation of both men’s and ladies’ bowling leagues was accomplished at a meeting Tuesday evening at the Saratoga Bowling Lanes and a deadline was set for Saturday, Sept. 14, for interested persons to register for participation in a mixed league. Details are available at the lanes.
Richard Carr and Mrs. Kendal McBride were elected presidents of the men’s and ladies’ leagues, respectively, with John Tynon and Mrs. Louis Bensen named to the vice-presidents posts. Mrs. Richard Perue will serve as secretary-treasurer of both leagues.
Mens league bowling will start at 8:00 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays, while ladies league action will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. The local lanes have been sanctioned by the American Bowling Congress for league play, Richard Bucholz, manager, said this week.
League play will start Monday, Sept. 16, Mr. Buchholz said. He added that the mixed league, for both ladies and men, will be formed at a metting set for next Thursday, Sept. 19. However, entries must be received at the lanes no later than Saturday.
James Cameron of Sinclair, president of the Sinclair Bowling league, was present at Tuesday’s meeting to assist the local keglers in the formation of their leagues. The Saratoga leagues will join the Rawlins-Sinclair association.
25 years ago
Sept. 7, 1988
Encampment loses
to Hanna
First Tiger football game in 31 years
When the Encampment Tigers faced the Hanna Miners last Friday, it was the first time in 31 years that Encampment had fielded a football team.
Playing the eight man version of the gridiron game, the Tigers lost 18-0 to the Hanna Miners.
Coach Don Beach said, “The kids did well. Considering that only one or two players have game experience, and the rest have never played before, they played a good ball game.”
Beach said the Tigers held the Miners scoreless for three quarters, noting all 18 of Hanna’s points came in the second quarter. Mark Perdue had the best defensive game, Beach said, racking up 18 tackles, one fumble recovery and a pass interception. Also playing well were Lance Van Dyke who had six tackles and gained 40 yards rushing. Travis Sackman had eight tackles and Kevin Pantle intercepted a pass, according to Beach.
The Tigers will be working on blocking offensively and on tackling defensively, Beach said. A bright spot is the team will have seven more players eligible for their next game, which will give them more depth, according to Beach.
The Tigers will face Saratoga JV’s at 11 a.m. in Encampment on Saturday, Sept. 10.
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