Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
It has been a short week this week.
There was no Bridge because we were closed Monday for the holiday.
There were not enough people here to play bingo on Tuesday or to play Right, Left and Center on Wednesday. Hopefully everyone will be back and ready for a normal week this next week.
Sandy has been here all week because I have been off part-time and Jane has been sick so she has been gone as well. But everything went on very well except everyone has been busy and not been here to eat. I hope that picks up again soon. We miss everyone when they are not here.
It was good to get word that Millie Anderson is doing better. June went to see her and said she is looking stronger. Hope she can join us soon. Right now she is splitting her time between here and Rawlins with family.
We had a very small turnout for our potato bake Saturday. Right now there is just too much going on and you cannot be everywhere at the same time.
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