From the Hip: Community heroes reach out in their own way

The loss of a friend is heart-wrenching. I know. I lost my best friend to a car accident when we were 27 years old. We had been friends since we were five.

Last week, the class of 2008 lost a classmate and friend to a motorcycle accident. Young adults, parents and teachers were grieving over the loss.

Eddie Escobedo had a smile that could not be resisted, and he was always smiling. Every time I saw him, he had a hug for me.

Eddie was a classmate and friend of my son Garry. They became quick friends when we moved here in 1999, but Eddie had a lot of friends.

I remember when Garry first started playing guitar and he and his friends David, Dominique and Eddie would get together and jam.

Garry came home frustrated one day. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It took Eddie three hours to learn this one song,” Garry replied.

“Well that’s not bad, how long did it take you to learn it,” I asked.

“Three minutes,” was Garry’s reply.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I told Garry not everyone memorized as fast as he did and he was just going to have to be patient.

The class of 2008 was a closely knit class. They rallied when Garry was in his chainsaw accident and they are rallying now for Eddie.

McKenzie (Callahan) Samuelson is planning a memorial service for friends and family of Eddie. That is a big step for a young adult to take to honor a friend.

She is inviting anyone who knew and loved Eddie to come to the service. It will be from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Saratoga High School and will include a video and an open mic for people to say a few words.

Laura Morrow, owner of LauraM, is hosting a fundraiser to help the family with expenses. Donations can be dropped off at 102 W. Bridge St. at LauraM’s.

Rest in peace, my friend.


Last week was the Carbon County Fair and the Platte Valley kids did a great job representing Saratoga and Encampment. Bringing home blue ribbons in almost every category at fair, the 4-H and FFA kids showed they worked hard all year getting their animals and projects ready for fair.

As a community we should be proud to have such outstanding children and young adults in our community. They represent us well.

This weekend is the Steinley Cup Brewfest and Chili Cookoff. Plenty of other activities are happening in the Platte Valley as well. Saratoga resident Joe Elder has been working on a 5k run/walk to raise funds for the Tyler Pickett Park. Tyler was a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army and stationed in Iraq. He was killed in June, 2008 by a roadside bomb, just weeks before he was to come home. He grew up in Saratoga and the American Legion has been raising money for several years to build a park in his honor.


Other activities this weekend include the Stockwell/Wilcoxson Chicken Burn at Veterans Island. They are raising money for the American Cancer Society. Cancer seems to be rampant in the Platte Valley and the money donated will be used by the American Cancer Society for research for a cure.

Riverside is hosting their annual barbecue at Rick Martin Memorial Park. That is always a fun event to attend with lots of good food and entertainment.


C.J. Box returns to Saratoga for a book signing of his new books from noon to 2 p.m. at the Saratoga Museum. I am an avid reader of his books. The first time I heard of Chuck Box was at a Saratoga Museum annual dinner and after hearing him speak, I couldn’t wait to read his books. I told him in the interview this week that my toes curl when I read his books and asked him if toes curl when he writes. “Sometimes,” he said. “Especially with ‘The Highway’.”


Whatever you decide to do this weekend, be safe, don’t drink and drive­ – and hug your kids.


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