Sun Editorial: Preserving the Saratoga experience

The Saratoga hot pool, one of the community’s greatest attractions, is a point of pride for all Saratoga residents and town officials.

It’s a beautiful, relaxing, well-developed and neat place for all to visit and experience. It is at the very core of the “Saratoga experience” and we are all stakeholders in it.

Not only do people from this community enjoy the hot pool, but so do people from across the state, nation and world.

That’s why it’s sad to hear there are those who choose to vandalize and steal from an area so popular for many.

There are those who will plug the toilets, chip the paint, deface property with a Sharpie and even steal from the donation box.

Not only does this ruin the hot pool experience for others, it also defaces Saratoga’s reputation as a tourist hotspot.

The community has put a lot of work in rejuvenating the hot pools in the past several years.

The town of Saratoga spearheaded a project to install nicer changing rooms and add a “not so hot” pool to accommodate more visitors than ever before.

These additions just add to the “Saratoga experience” and it is all our responsibility to take care and preserve such an iconic area.

Maybe we can’t stop all vandals by showing them the errors of their ways, but we can report vandalism. If you see something wrong with the hot pool, don’t ignore it. Notify the proper authorities.

Preserving this place is not just about making a nice place for tourists — it’s about preserving something that is entwined with Saratoga’s history.

We may not be able to stop vandals, but by taking a stand against the act, we can discourage those who would ruin something so important from repeating their actions.


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