Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Jam session Tuesday night

There were five here to play Bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Dorothy Miller and Madaline Forbes. Bernneil McCord won the $4 blackout round.

There were two-and-a-half tables for Duplicate Bridge this week. There was a tie for high winners between Mariel O’Grady and Vivien Campbell and Mary Alice Sjoden and Sheila Johnson. There was also a tie for second high between Barb Wise and Lori Walck and Pat Bailey and Marianne Blue.

We would like to invite the working class to come join us for lunch. Even if you work until noon, if you call in, we can set you up and when you come in you will be able to get your meal and start eating and relax a few minutes before you have to get back to your job. We serve from noon until about 12:30 p.m. So you are never too late to come eat with us. We are always happy to deliver you a meal if you are under the weather or just been in the hospital. Please give us a call at 326-5564 and we will do our best to help you out. If you are 60 or older, or the spouse of someone 60 or older you are eligible to join us for lunch for the low donation of just $3 a meal. We feel that is a great price for a meal this size. So give us a call and come join us. Tickets make a great gift for that hard to buy for person.

It has been brought to my attention people are saying they will not come because they are afraid of sitting in someone’s seat. There are not assigned seats up here. I have tried to stress that to everyone I come in contact with. So please give us a chance by coming up and joining us. We have lost so many lately that I worry about this program. So please come up and support us.

I do have the forms for the Elderly and Disabled Tax program. The qualifications for this are you must be at least 65 years old, or have turned 18 in 2012 and are totally disabled. You must also have lived in the state of Wyoming for the year 2012, and had income of $17,500 or less for a single person, and $28,500 or less for a married couple. So if you have these qualifications, please stop in and get a form or call ahead and I will be happy to help you fill them out.

There were 20 people here to enjoy the local talent on Tuesday evening. There were seven musicians. It was a great time. I think I might have to start serving cookies and coffee if we keep growing in numbers. The next time they will perform will be at 6:30 p.m. July 16. Mark your calendar and come join us or even perform.

We were glad to hear Melcine Craig got to go home from the nursing home. Hope she is doing much better.

Also Pat Sims is back to the nursing home after a few days in the hospital with pneumonia. She said she is feeling a lot better.

I was over to see Charlotte Gibbons but she was asleep. They said she has been having therapy so she was pretty tired.

We hope everyone had a great Fourth of July.


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