Club notes: Longtime members honored by Order of the Eastern Star

New officers for Saratoga Chapter No. 12 Order of the Eastern Star were installed for 2013-14 term. They are:

Dixie Minear, Worthy Matron

Teense Willford, Worthy Patron

Karlene Sjoden, Associate Matron

Ken Olson, Associate Patron

Dorothy Stolns, Conductress

Mary Pigg, Associate Patron

Sandy Willford, Secretary

Karen Buford, Treasurer

Betty Vyvey, Chaplain

Jessi Sharp, Marshal

Mary Ellen Dressler, Organist

Roxie Baldwin, Adah

Joan Braun, Ruth

Juanita Angeli, Esther

Sherry Weinert, Martha

Mary Sjoden, Electa

Frank Angeli, Warder

Eastern Star scholarships of $500 were awarded to 2013 graduates Taylor Miller of Saratoga and Kyle Wessel of Encampment.

A special ceremony honoring members who have belonged to Eastern Star for 50 or more years was presented to Betty Vyvey, 64 years; Mary Sjoden, 63 years; Marilyn Walck, 63 years; Mary Ellen Dressler, 57 years; Juanita Angeli, 53 years; and Frank Angeli, 53 years.

Honorary memberships to the Saratoga Chapter No. 12 were given to Mary Ann Keil, John and Ruth Moyer, and Ann Walker of Rawlins OES Chapter No. 7. Also present were Gary Keil and Lyla Boles who had previously received honorary memberships. All were thanked for their continuous support in Saratoga.

The Chapter hosted the year-end card luncheon and party with Elwin Baldwin winning first place and Dawna Ericson second place in Pinochle, with Sheila Johnson winning first place and Betty McIlvaine second place in Bridge.

Call Roxie Baldwin 326-8545 and leave a message if you would like to play Pinochle or Bridge in this fall’s tournament starting in September. If you are interested in starting other card games, Bunco, Dominos or Cribbage, give Roxie a call.


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