Dust abatement needed before growth


The article “Big Dreams for County Museums” does not take into effect the increase in traffic to and from the Encampment Museum at Sixth Street and Barnett Avenue. Signs on Highway 70 funnel visitors down Sixth Street past my home to the museum. We also have a refurbished playground and picnic area, which attracts children to walk the streets made of loose gravel and gravel dust during spring and summer. We have no sidewalks on Sixth or Barnett. The town of Encampment makes an unprofessional attempt to maintain the streets. Neither the museum nor the town have addressed this issue in their upgrades to attract visitors. A few years ago I led a petition to place stop signs on Sixth at Barnett Avenue, but they failed to stop or slow down, or the traffic going through the intersection going south on Sixth at Barnett Avenue, even with a 20 mph speed limit in place. I presented this concern to Mr. Farr and it was ignored. I can’t sit outside, open windows, hang out clothes or walk to the post office without being showered with dust and gravel. I think sealing the street would stop the dust and gravel to this unique area, but not the speeders or no-stoppers.

Ralph Jackson

Encampment, WY


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