Serving the Platte Valley since 1888
I like to go on You Tube on occasion and watch Domino Tricks. It is fascinating how a group of people can spend hours designing and assembling the dominoes into shapes that are just amazing. Then with just the push of one domino it starts what is known as the “Domino Effect” which has a very positive end result.
With the encouragement of Tom, Mary Jo, and Brian Rodeno we had our very own domino effect in Saratoga. We started out this past winter with planning meetings and what we hoped to accomplish, and after several meetings we set a date and decided to make it a weeklong event. At the end of the week the Rodeno family sponsored a barbecue and was on hand to do the cooking. There were several others that contributed food items for the event.
What we saw during the domino effect was the American Legion, Build Rite, Second Impressions, and the town of Saratoga paint their businesses or preparing them to be painted. Keith and Pat Bailey gave a very much appreciated donation to the fund to continue with the clean-up efforts. There have been several other business and residents that have pledged to do some improvements.
Four cars were donated to the Wheels for Wishes program and we will still take donations for that program. The Middle/High School sent students out to clean for an afternoon. Residents of Country Club Heights cleaned their neighborhood, and the Valley Service Organization cleaned Highway 130 from CP&L to the Highway Department. Town crews assisted five residents with hauling items to the landfill.
The Rodeno Family was very pleased with the efforts and they want to now help the town get started on the Tyler Pickett Park. They have a commitment from a Colorado company to help with the irrigation design.
The American Legion has taken on most of this project and the more in-kind service that we can get for this project the easier it will be to get grants to complete the project. Every hour or donation that we get for this project goes towards any matching funds that may be needed for the grants. The National Guard has asked to fill out an application so they can get on board as well. If you would like to help contact the American Legion or town of Saratoga.
Thanks to all that have participated,
Mayor John Zeiger
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