Serving the Platte Valley since 1888

Letter to the editor: Librarians: experience in the book


The administrators of the Saratoga schools have decided that the elementary school and the middle high school need only a half-time librarian each. With this type of “reduction force” district policy clearly states that the position should be filled by the most qualified and most senior staff member. While it is true that administrators may reassign staff as they see fit, it seems they should also take into consideration district policy in this matter.

The needs of the students should be considered first and foremost. With this in mind, how can they justify not giving the middle/high school students a fully-qualified, experienced library media specialist?

It seems to me our administrators are not utilizing their resources in the best interests of our students. The administrators’ solution does not enhance the educational experience of our children, nor does it meet the needs of the students and the instructional program.


Patricia McKnight



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